There's quite a drastic difference between the Grammys - the broadcast of which I avoid like avian flu - and the Junos, especially in the type of music showcased. Over the course of the evening, we saw performances from country, pop, hard rock, opera, jazz, alt-rock, adult contemporary, and whatever you'd classify Michael Buble, and each was received with nearly equal verve by the screaming audience. It was really much more of a celebration of all forms of Canadian music than I was expecting.
I was most excited to see Feist, and her performance of the excellent 'Sealion' (which appears in two vastly different incarnations on The Reminder)didn't disappoint. A funny thing came up during it: at one point, the crowd was encouraged to clap, and a woman who was doing a form of shadow puppets onstage joined in: we noticed that her clapping was half-a-beat ahead of us, which makes sense given the delay by the time the sound reaches us. But Deyelle pointed out that, if we're all clapping to the music we're hearing, we're totally off beat with what's going on onstage, which must be pretty distracting.
Anyway, other highlights were Avril Lavigne's high energy 'Girlfriend', the Triumph tribute (although I wish they had played), and surprisingly, to me anyway, Buble - that guy can work a crowd like no one's business, and was even hyping the fans up during the commercial break from the dark stage, something no other performer attempted.
Russell Peters was decent, nothing exceptional but he didn't bomb either, and the show was wrapped up in a snappy two hours, significantly shorter than your usual awards marathon. Apparently it was the second most watched Junos in Canadian history, so I'm glad it was a gooder.
And now, we can focus on the Flames' playoff run...
Sounds like you had a great time! And sounds like an awesome celebration! So glad you were able to go. :)
Think it would be worth travelling for?
Yes and no - it was a really exciting experience, and the performances were uniformly high quality, but at two hours, it's kind of short. I guess it would depend on how far you're traveling.
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